How to install Centos in Oracle Virtual Box

Step 1: 

  • Open Oracle VirtualBox on your computer.
  • Click on the ‘New’ icon in the toolbar or press Ctrl+N to create a new virtual machine.
  • A dialogue box will appear as shown in the picture below.
Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 7
  • Name: Give a name for your new Virtual Machine-
  • Type: Linux
  • Version: Red Hat 32 or Red Hat 64

Step 2:  Select Memory Size

  • Set your VM Memory to at least 1024MB(1 GB) before you continue. 
  • Click ‘Next’.
Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 8

Step 3: Select ‘Create a virtual hard drive now’ and then ‘Create’.

Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 9

Step 4: Select ‘VDI(VirtualBox Disk Image) and ‘Next’.

Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 10

Step 5: Select ‘Dynamically allocated’ and then ‘Next’.

Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 11

Step 6: Select File Location and Size

  • Leave the default file name in the name box or rewrite it as your choice.
  • For the size of the virtual hard drive, enter required GB value and then ‘Create’.
Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 12
  • Now, there should be an image created in the VM box.

Step 7:  

  • Right click on the Image that was created in the oracle VM box  and select ‘Settings’, as shown in below picture.
Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 13

Step 8:

  • Once the settings window pop’s up, select  “Storage” and then select browse to Operating System Disc, in this case it should be pointed to centos operating system disc or centos operating system ISO file, finally click ok.

Step 9: Now power on the VM Image of Centos by  selecting it and then right click on it and select the option ‘Start’ and then ‘Normal Start’. This will start the centos installation.

Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 16

Step 10: Proceed with on screen CentOS installation Wizard as shown below. and complete the installation process.

Installation guide of CentOS Linux in Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows 10 17