TOP 50 Interview Questions on Cloud Computing Services

1. Compare between Cloud and On-premise Computing?

CriteriaCloud           On-premise
Initial costLowHigh
Maintenance and supportHassle-freeNeeds attention
Pay as you goYesNo

2. What is a Cloud?

A cloud may be a collaboration of networks, hardware, services, storage, and interfaces that help in delivering computing as a service. It has three users:

  • End users
  • Business management users
  • Cloud service providers

3. What is Cloud Computing?

It is an advanced-stage technology implemented in order that the cloud provides its services globally as per the user requirements. It provides a way to access several servers worldwide.

4. What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

The main benefits of Cloud Computing are:

  • Data backup and storage of data
  • Powerful server capabilities
  • Incremental productivity
  • Cost-effective and time-saving

5. Name a few requirements of virtualization platforms in implementing the cloud?

Following are the wants of virtualization platform in implementing the cloud:

  • Management of policies that are at service levels.
  • Operating system of cloud.
  • Maintaining the concepts in difference between backend level and user level virtualization platform.

6. What are the cloud service models?

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

7. What are the components of Windows Azure?

Windows Azure Platform Services

  • Cloud
  • SQL Azure
  • App Fabric: Allows fabric cloud

8. Name a few cloud computing platform databases that are available as open-source?

Following are the open-source cloud computing platform databases:

  • Lucid database
  • Couch database
  • Mongo database

9. What do you mean by software as a service?

Software As a Service (SaaS) is a crucial layer of cloud computing. It provides cloud applications like Google is doing. It facilitates users to save lots of their documents on the cloud and also .

10. What is the platform as a service?

It is also a layer in cloud architecture. This model is built on the infrastructure model and provides resources like computers, storage and network. It is responsible for providing complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer, making it look like a single server and invisible to the outside world.

11. Give the simplest example for open-source Cloud Computing?


12. What is on-demand functionality? How is it provided in cloud computing?

Cloud computing provides on-demand access to the virtualized IT resources. It can be used by the subscriber. It uses a shared pool to supply configurable resources. Shared pool contains storage, servers, networks, applications and services.

13. Why are Hybrid Clouds so important?

Cloud Bursting:

  • Access capacity and specialized software are available in the public cloud and not in the private cloud.
  • Examples: Virtual Amazon and Dynamo
  • Leveraging the simplest of both worlds, there are hybrid clouds.


  • It is a VMware cloud.
  • It is expensive.
  • It gives enterprise quality.


  • It has commodity servers and storage.
  • It is less reliable.
  • We can run web servers on OpenStack.
  • The database is built on vCloud.

14. List some of the platforms used for large-scale Cloud Computing?

Below are the platforms that are used for large-scale Cloud Computing:

  • Apache Hadoop
  • MapReduce

15. Mention the various sorts of models used for the deployment in Cloud Computing?

The different deployment models in Cloud Computing are:

  • Private Cloud
  • Public Cloud
  • Community Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud

16. What is security management in terms of Cloud Computing?

Identity management access provides the authorization of application services.

Access control permission is given to users to possess complete controlling access of another user who is getting into the cloud environment.

Authentication and authorization provide permission to only the authorized and authenticated users to access the data and applications.

17. Name the phases that are involved in cloud architecture?

Following are the various phases that are involved in cloud architecture:

  • Cleanup phase
  • Shutdown phase
  • Launch phase
  • Monitor phase

18. What is a private cloud?

Private clouds are used to keep the strategic operations and other reasons secure. It is an entire platform which is fully functional and may be owned, operated and restricted to only a corporation or an industry. Nowadays, most of the organizations have moved to private clouds due to security concerns. Virtual private cloud is being used by a hosting company.

19. Mention some of the large cloud providers and databases?

  • Google Bigtable
  • Amazon Simple Database
  • Cloud-based SQL (Sequential Query Language)

20. What is the difference between cloud and traditional data centers?

The traditional data center is dear thanks to heating and hardware/software issues. Mostly, the expenditure is on the maintenance of the data centers.

Cloud is scaled up when there’s a rise in demand, hence such expenditure issues aren’t faced in Cloud Computing.

21. What are uses of API’s in cloud services?

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are wont to eliminate the need to write down complete programs.

Here, instructions are provided to form communication between one or more applications.

Creation of applications is formed easy and accessible for the link of cloud services with other systems.

22. What is a public cloud?

The public clouds are open to the people for use and deployment. For example: Google and Amazon etc. The public clouds specialise in a couple of layers like cloud application, infrastructure providing and providing platform markets.

23. List out the three basic functioning clouds in Cloud Computing?

  • Professional cloud
  • Personal cloud
  • Performance cloud

24. What is the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing?

Mobile computing and cloud computing are slightly an equivalent in concept. The concept of cloud computing used by Mobile computing . Cloud computing provides users the data which they require while in mobile computing, applications run on the remote server and gives users the access for storage and management.

25. What are the building blocks of cloud architecture?

  • Reference architecture
  • Technical architecture
  • Deployment operation architecture

26. What is the usage of utility computing?

Utility computing may be a plug-in managed by a corporation which decides what sort of services have got to be deployed from the cloud. It facilitates users to pay only for what they use.

27. What is “EUCALYPTUS” in cloud computing? Why is it used?

EUCALYPTUS stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture For Linking Your Program To Useful Systems. It is an open source software infrastructure in cloud computing and used to implement clusters in cloud computing platforms. It creates public, private and hybrid clouds. It facilitates a user to create his own data center into a private cloud and use its functionalities to many other organizations.

28. What are the advantages of cloud architecture at business level?

Following are the benefits of cloud architecture at business level:

  • Investment in infrastructure is zero
  • Infrastructure is just in time
  • Utilization of resources is more efficient

29. What are the differences in Software as a Service (SaaS)?

Simple Multi-tenancy:In this mode, Every user has independent resources and is uniquely different from other users. This is an efficient mode.

Fine grain multi-tenancy:: during this mode, the resources are often shared by many users but the functionality remains an equivalent .

30. What does VPN mean?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a personal cloud which manages the info security while the communication takes place within the cloud. With the use of VPN, one can make a public network as a private network.

31. What do you mean by VPN? What does it contain?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN may be a private cloud that manages the safety of the info during the communication within the cloud environment. With VPN, you’ll make a public network as a personal network.

32. How is the data secured during its transport in the cloud?

By implementing the encryption key, one can check for the security of the data and also the leakage in the data.

33. Name the key features that are concerned with the user before using cloud computing?

Below are the key features that are concerned with the user before using cloud computing:

  • Compliance of the data
  • Loss of data
  • Storage of data
  • Uptime
  • Business continuity
  • Data integration in cloud computing

34. Name the data centers deployed for cloud computing?

Following are the 2 data centers deployed for cloud computing:

  • Low density data centers
  • Containerized data centers

35. As an infrastructure as a service what are the resources that are provided by it?

IAAS ( Infrastructure As A Service) provides virtual and physical resources that are wont to build a cloud. It deals with the complexities of deploying and maintaining the services provided by this layer. Here the infrastructure is that the servers, storage and other hardware systems.

36. In cloud computing explain the role of performance cloud?

Performance cloud is beneficial in transferring maximum amounts of knowledge instantly. It is employed by the professionals who work on high performance computing research.

37. Name some of the basic characteristics of cloud computing.

Following are the basic characteristics of cloud computing:

  • Standardised interfaces
  • Scalability and elasticity
  • Automatic de-provisioning
  • Self-service provisioning
  • Billing self-service based on model usage

38. Name the services that are provided by Window Azure Operating System?

Below are the services that are provided by Window Azure Operating System:

  • Storage
  • Management
  • Compute

39. Name the different types of users?

Following are the three different types of users:

  • End users
  • Business management users
  • Cloud service providers

40. What makes Amazon well-known in the world?

Following are the explanations that make Amazon so well-known within the world:

The backup storage in Amazon is maintained with the help of snapshot facility by using API calls. Example of this is Elasticfox.

RAID which may be a Linux software is employed for improving the performance.

41. What does system integrators mean in cloud computing?

System integrators are used for providing strategies for complicated processes that are used in the design of cloud platforms. It is also used for creating hybrid and accurate private cloud networks which are more accurate, and this is possible because the integrators have the knowledge of data centers.

42. Differentiate between scalability and elasticity?

The difference between scalability and elasticity is that scalability is employed for handling the increasing workload by increasing the proportion of resource capacity. While elasticity is employed for providing the concepts associated with commissioning and decommissioning of resource capacity.

43. What does PaaS mean?

PaaS stands for Platform as a Service which is one among the layers in cloud architecture. The PaaS provides complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer. This layer is built on an infrastructure model which provides resources such as computers, storage, and network.

44. What does ADC mean?

ADC stands for Application Delivery Controller which is assigned to VIP i.e., Virtual IP address so as to map the pools of servers that are supported by using application-specific criteria.

45. What is the use of virtualization in the cloud?

The migration of virtual images from one physical machine to another is done with the help of virtualization. Using this feature, one can do a lot of optimizations.

46. Name the type of architecture that is used for building cloud architecture?

Grid is that sort of architecture that’s used for building cloud architecture. It is a kind of computing architecture which is distributed among the organizations owning data centers for mutual benefits.

47. Name a few attributes of cloud computing?

Following are the attributes of cloud computing:

  • Elasticity
  • Delivery in the form of utility
  • Entry to low barriers

48. How can users gain from utility computing?

Utility computing allows the user to pay just for what they’re using. It is a plug-in managed by a corporation which decides what sort of services have got to be deployed from the cloud.

Most organizations prefer hybrid strategy.

49. What are the security laws which are implemented to secure data in a cloud ?

Below are the security laws which are implemented to secure data in cloud 

  • Processing: Control the info that’s being processed correctly and completely in an application
  • File: It manages and control the data being manipulated in any of the file
  • Output reconciliation: It controls the data which has to be reconciled from input to output
  • Input Validation: Control the input data
  • Security and Backup: It provides security and backup it also controls the safety breaches logs

50. In cloud architecture what are the different components that are required?

  • Cloud Ingress
  • Processor Speed
  • Cloud storage services
  • Cloud provided services
  • Intra-cloud communications

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