TOP 50 Interview Questions on AWS Cloud Computing Services – CloudWatch

1. What Is Amazon Cloudwatch?

CloudWatch may be a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and therefore the applications you run on AWS. You can use CloudWatch to gather and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms. CloudWatch can monitor resources like EC2 instances, DynamoDB tables, and RDS DB instances.

2. Which Operating Systems Does Cloudwatch Support?

CloudWatch receives and provides metrics for all EC2 instances and will work with any OS currently supported by the EC2 service.

3. What Access Management Policies am i able to Implement For Cloudwatch?

CloudWatch integrates with AWS IAM in order that you’ll specify which CloudWatch actions a user in your AWS Account can perform. You can’t use IAM to regulate access to CloudWatch data for specific resources. For example, you cannot provide a user access to CloudWatch data for less than a selected set of instances or a selected LoadBalancer. Permissions granted using IAM cover all the cloud resources you employ with CloudWatch. In addition, you cannot use IAM roles with the Amazon CloudWatch instruction tools.

4. What Are Amazon Cloudwatch Logs?

Amazon CloudWatch Logs allows you to monitor and troubleshoot your systems and applications using your existing system, application and custom log files. With CloudWatch Logs, you’ll monitor your logs, in near real time, for specific phrases, values or patterns. For example, you’ll set an alarm on the amount of errors that occur in your system logs or view graphs of latency of web requests from your application logs. You can then view the first log data to ascertain the source of the matter .

5. What sorts of Things am i able to Do With Cloudwatch Logs?

CloudWatch Logs is capable of monitoring and storing your logs to assist you better understand and operate your systems and applications.

6. You can use CloudWatch logs in a number of ways?

  • Real Time application and system monitoring,
  • Long term log retention.

7. What Platforms Does The Cloudwatch Logs Agent Support?

The CloudWatch Log Agent is supported on Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Windows. This agent will support the power to watch individual log files on the host.

8. Cloudwatch Logs Agent Support Iam Roles?

Yes. CloudWatch Logs Agent is integrated with IAM and includes support for both IAM roles and access keys.

9. What am i able to Measure With Amazon Cloudwatch Metrics?

CloudWatch allows you to watch AWS cloud resources and therefore the applications you run on AWS. It provides automatically for variety of AWS services and products , including EBS volumes, EC2 instances, EMR job flows, ELBs, Autoscaling groups, DynamoDB tables, RedShift clusters, RDS DB instances, ElastiCache clusters, SNS topics, SQS queues, OpsWorks stacks, Route 53 health checks, SWF workflows, and Storage Gateways. 

10. Can I delete any metrics?

CloudWatch does not support metric deletion. Metrics that supported the retention schedules described above.

11. What is a Custom Metric?

You can use Amazon CloudWatch to watch data produced by your own applications, scripts, and services. For example, you’ll use custom metrics as how to watch the time to load an internet page, request error rates, number of processes or threads on your instance, or amount of labor performed by your application. You can start with custom metrics by using the PutMetricData API, our sample monitoring scripts for Windows and Linux, CloudWatch collectd plugin, also as a variety of applications and tools offered by AWS partners.

12. What is CloudWatch Application Insights for .NET and SQL Server?

Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights for .NET and SQL Server is a capability that you can use to easily monitor your .NET and SQL Server applications. It helps identify and find out key metrics and logs across your application resources and technology stack, i.e. database, web (IIS) and application servers, OS, load balancers, queues, etc. It constantly monitors these telemetry data to detect and correlate anomalies and errors, to notify you of any problems in your application. To aid in troubleshooting, it creates automatic dashboards to visualize problems it detects which includes correlated metric anomalies and log errors, along with additional insights to point you to their potential root-cause.

13. What are Amazon CloudWatch Vended Logs?

It is a log that is natively published by AWS services on behalf of the customer. VPC Flow logs is the first Vended log type which will enjoy this tiered model. However, more AWS Service log types are going to be added to Vended Log type within the future.

14. How frequently does the CloudWatch Logs Agent send data?

It will send log data every five seconds by default and is configurable by the user.

15. What log formats does CloudWatch Logs support?

CloudWatch Logs can ingest, monitor and aggregate any text based common log data or JSON-formatted logs.

16. What Log Monitoring Does Cloudwatch Provide?

It allows you to monitor and troubleshoot your systems and applications using your existing system, application and custom log files. With CloudWatch Logs, you’ll monitor your logs, in near real time, for specific phrases, values or patterns.

17. What Kinds Of Things Can I Do With My Logs In Cloudwatch?

CloudWatch Logs is capable of monitoring and storing your logs to assist you better understand and operate your systems and applications. When you use CloudWatch Logs together with your logs, your existing log data is employed for monitoring, so no code changes are required.

18. What If I Configure The Cloudwatch Logs Agent To Send Non-text Log Data?

The CloudWatch Logs Agent will record a mistake within the event it’s been configured to report non-text log data.

19. Can I Use Regular Expressions With My Log Data?

CloudWatch Metric Filters does not support regular expressions. To process your log data with regular expressions, think about using Amazon Kinesis and connect the stream with a daily expression processing engine.

20. How Do I Retrieve My Log Data?

Using the CloudWatch Logs console or through the CloudWatch Logs CLI you can retrieve any of your log data. Log events are retrieved supporting the Log Group, Log Stream and time with which they’re associated.

21. How do I search my logs?

You can use the CLI to retrieve your log events and search through them using instruction grep or similar search functions.

22. How Long Does Cloudwatch Logs Store My Data?

You can store your log data for as long as you would like . By default your log data is indefinitely stored by CloudWatch Logs. You can change the retention for each LogGroup at any time.

23. What permissions do I need to access Logs Insights?

To access Logs Insights, your IAM policy must include permissions for logs:DescribeLogGroups and logs:FilterLogEvents.

24. Which query language does CloudWatch Logs Insights support?

Logs Insights introduces a new purpose-built query language for log processing. The query language supports a few simple, but powerful query commands. You can write commands to retrieve one or more log fields, find log events that match one or more search criteria, aggregate your log data, and extract ephemeral fields from your text-based logs. The query language is easy to learn, and Logs Insights offers in-product help in the form of sample queries, command descriptions, and query auto-completion to help you get started. You can find additional details about the query language here.

25. Which query language does CloudWatch Logs Insights support?

Logs Insights introduces a new purpose-built query language for log processing. The query language supports a few simple, but powerful query commands. You can write commands to retrieve one or more log fields, find log events that match one or more search criteria, aggregate your log data, and extract ephemeral fields from your text-based logs. The query language is easy to learn, and Logs Insights offers in-product help in the form of sample queries, command descriptions, and query auto-completion to help you get started. You can find additional details about the query language here.

26. What data visualizations can I use with CloudWatch Logs Insights?

You can use visualizations to identify trends and patterns that occur over time within your logs. Logs Insights supports visualizing data using line charts and stacked area charts. It generates visualizations for all queries containing one or more aggregate functions, where data is grouped over a time interval specified using the bin() function.

27. Can I use regular expressions with CloudWatch Logs Insights?

You can use Java-style regular expressions with Logs Insights. Regular expressions can be used in the filter command.

28. How do I escape special characters with CloudWatch Logs Insights queries?

You can use backticks to escape special characters. Log field names that contain characters other than alphanumeric characters, @, and . require escaping with backticks.

29. Can I search for log events from a specific log stream?

You can search for log events from a specific log stream by adding the query command

filter @logStream = “log_stream_name” to your log query.

30. What Types Of Cloudwatch Alarms Can Be Created?

You can create an alarm to watch any CloudWatch metric in your account. You may also create an alarm on custom metrics that are specific to your custom infrastructure or application .

31. What Thresholds Can I Set To Trigger A Cloudwatch Alarm?

When you create an alarm, you initially choose the CloudWatch metric you would like it to watch . Next, you select the evaluation period and a statistical value to live . To set a threshold, set a target value and choose whether the alarm will trigger when the worth is bigger , equal, or but that value.

32. What is Amazon CloudWatch Anomaly Detection?

It applies machine-learning algorithms to continuously analyze single statistics of systems and applications, determine a traditional baseline, and surface anomalies with minimal user intervention. It allows you to create alarms that auto-adjust thresholds based on natural metric patterns, such as time of day, day of week seasonality or changing trends. You can also visualize metrics with anomaly detection bands on dashboards, monitoring, isolating, and troubleshooting unexpected changes in your metrics.

33. How can I get started with Amazon CloudWatch Anomaly Detection?

It is easy to get started with Anomaly Detection. In the CloudWatch console, go to *Alarms *in the navigation pane to create an alarm, or start with *Metrics *to overlay the metric’s expected values onto the graph as a band. You can also enable Anomaly Detection using the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or AWS CloudFormation templates.

34. What is Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics?

Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics allows you to watch application endpoints more easily. It runs tests on your endpoints every minute, 24×7, and alerts you as soon as your application endpoints don’t behave as expected. These tests are often customized to see for transactions, availability, latency, broken or dead links, step by step task completions, load latencies for UI assets, complex wizard flows, page load errors, or checkout flows in your applications. You can also use CloudWatch Synthetics to isolate alarming application endpoints and map them back to underlying infrastructure issues to scale back mean solar time to resolution.

35. How can I get started with CloudWatch Synthetics?

It’s easy to get started with CloudWatch Synthetics. You can write your first passing canary in minutes. Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics is out there in preview within the following public AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), and EU (Ireland).

36. What are CloudWatch Dashboards?

Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards allow you to make , customize, interact with, and save graphs of AWS resources and custom metrics.

37. How do I get started with CloudWatch Dashboards?

To get started, visit the Amazon CloudWatch Console and choose “Dashboards”. Click the “Create Dashboard” button. You can also copy the desired view from Automatic Dashboards by clicking on Options -> “Add to Dashboard”.

38. What are the advantages of Automatic Dashboards?

They are pre-built with AWS service recommended best practices, remain resource aware, and dynamically update to reflect the newest state of important performance metrics. Now  you may filter and troubleshoot to a selected view without adding additional code to reflect the newest state of your AWS resources. Once you’ve identified the basic explanation for a performance issue, you’ll quickly act by going on to the AWS resource.

39. Can I share my dashboard?

Yes, a dashboard is available to anyone with the correct permissions for the account with the dashboard.

40. What are CloudWatch Events?

Amazon CloudWatch Events (CWE) may be a stream of system events describing changes in your AWS resources. The events stream augments the prevailing CloudWatch Metrics and Logs streams to supply a more complete picture of the health and state of your applications. 

41. What services emit CloudWatch Events?

Presently, Auto Scaling, Amazon EC2, and AWS CloudTrail are supported. Via AWS CloudTrail, mutating API calls across all services are visible in CloudWatch Events.

42. Can I generate my own events?

Yes. By using the PutEvents API, with a payload uniquely suited to your needs your applications can emit custom events.

43. Can I do things on a fixed schedule?

CloudWatch Events is in a position to get events on a schedule you set by using the favored Unix cron syntax. By monitoring for these events, you’ll implement a scheduled application.

44. What is the difference between CloudWatch Events and AWS CloudTrail?

CloudWatch Events may be a near real time stream of system events that describe changes to your AWS resources. With CloudWatch Events, you’ll define rules to watch for specific events and perform actions in an automatic manner. AWS CloudTrail is a service that records API calls for your AWS account and delivers log files containing API calls to your Amazon S3 bucket or a CloudWatch Logs log group. With AWS CloudTrail, you’ll search API activity history associated with creation, deletion and modification of AWS resources and troubleshoot operational or security issues.

45. What is the difference between CloudWatch Events and AWS Config?

AWS Config is a fully managed service that gives you a configuration history, AWS resource inventory, and configuration change notifications to enable security and governance. Config rules help you determine whether configuration changes are compliant. CloudWatch Events is for resource state changes in near real time. It doesn’t render a verdict on whether the changes suit policy or give detailed history like Config/Config Rules do. It is a general purpose event stream.

46. What is CloudWatch Container Insights?

CloudWatch Container Insights is a feature for monitoring, troubleshooting, and alarming on your containerized applications and microservices. Container Insights simplifies the isolation and analysis of performance issues impacting your container environment. DevOps and systems engineers have access to automatic dashboards in the CloudWatch console, giving them end-to-end operational visibility of metrics, logs, and distributed traces summarizing the performance and health of their Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS Fargate, and Kubernetes clusters by pods/tasks, containers, and services.

47. How can I get started with CloudWatch Container Insights?

You can get started collecting detailed performance metrics, logs, and metadata from your containers and clusters in just a few clicks by following these steps in the CloudWatch Container Insights documentation.

48. What is Amazon CloudWatch Contributor Insights?

Now it includes Contributor Insights, which analyzes time-series data to supply a view of the highest contributors influencing system performance. Once found out , Contributor Insights runs continuously without having additional user intervention. During an operational event this helps operators and developers more quickly diagnose, isolate, and remediate issues.

49. How can I get started with CloudWatch Contributor Insights?

It is easy to start with Contributor Insights. In the CloudWatch console, go to Contributor Insights in the navigation pane to create a Contributor Insights rule. You can also enable Contributor Insights using the AWS SDKs, AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation templates. Contributor Insights is out there altogether commercial AWS Regions.

50. What is Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens?

Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens may be a new feature that permits you to see and analyze the health, performance, and availability of your applications during a single place. CloudWatch ServiceLens ties together CloudWatch metrics and logs also as traces from AWS X-Ray to offer you an entire view of your applications and their dependencies. This enables you to quickly pinpoint performance bottlenecks, isolate root causes of application issues, and determine users impacted. It enables you to realize visibility into your applications in three main areas: Infrastructure monitoring , transaction monitoring , and end user monitoring.

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