Top 50 Interview Questions on DevOps

1. What do you know about DevOps?

  • DevOps promotes communication and collaboration between business, development and operations teams. 
  • DevOps is also about involving people and processes.
  • DevOps is inspired by an Agile process.
  • DevOps is about automating the operation processes, development and release.
  • It helps in the speed of delivering applications to the end-users.
  • It focuses on lowering the failure rate of releases and  delivering software products faster. 

2. How is DevOps different from agile methodology?

DevOps allows the development and the operations team to work together. This results in integration, deployment, continuous development, testing, and monitoring of the software throughout the lifecycle.

DevOps different from Agile

Agile focuses on incremental, small,  iterative, and rapid releases, along with customer feedback and It is a software development methodology. It also addresses gaps and conflicts between the developers and customers.

DevOps different from Agile

DevOps addresses gaps and conflicts between the  IT Operations and Developers.

DevOps different from Agile

3. What are some of the popular DevOps tools?

The most popular DevOps tools include:

  1. Selenium
  2. Puppet
  3. Chef
  4. Git
  5. Jenkins
  6. Ansible
  7. Docker

4. What are the different phases in DevOps?

The below are the various phases of the DevOps lifecycle:

  • Plan – Initially, there should be an idea for the sort of application that must be developed. Getting a rough picture of the event process is usually an honest idea.
  • Code – The application in this phase is coded as per the end-user requirements.
  • Build – Build the appliance by integrating various codes formed within the previous steps.
  • Test – This is the foremost crucial step of appliance development. Test the application and rebuild, if necessary.
  • Integrate – In this phase multiple codes from different programmers are integrated into one code.
  • Deploy – In this phase code is deployed into a cloud environment for further. It is ensured that any new changes don’t affect the functioning of a traffic website.
  • Operate – Operations are performed on the code if required.
  • Monitor – Application performance is monitored. Changes are made to meet the end-user requirements.

5. Mention a number of the core benefits of DevOps.

The core benefits of DevOps are as follows:

  • Technical benefits
  • Continuous software delivery
  • Less complex problems to manage
  • Early detection and faster correction of defects

Business benefits

  • Faster delivery of features
  • Stable operating environments
  • Improved communication and collaboration between the teams

6. What’s the role of configuration management in DevOps?

Enables management of and changes to multiple systems. Standardizes resource configurations, which successively , manage IT infrastructure. It helps with the administration and management of multiple servers and maintains the integrity of the entire infrastructure.

7. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

AWS has the following role in DevOps:

  • Flexible services – Provides ready-to-use, flexible services without the necessity to put in or find out the software.
  • Built for scale – you’ll manage one instance or scale to thousands using AWS services.
  • Automation – AWS allows you to automate tasks and processes, supplying you with longer to innovate
  • Secure – Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you’ll set user permissions and policies.
  • Large partner ecosystem – AWS supports an outsized ecosystem of partners that integrate with and extend AWS services.

8. Name three important DevOps KPIs?

  • The three important KPIs are as follows:
  • Mean time to failure recovery – this is often the typical time taken to get over a failure.
  • Deployment frequency – The frequency during which the deployment occurs.
  • Percentage of failed deployments – the amount of times the deployment fails.

9. Can you name some of the most-used DevOps tools?

Following may be a list of a number of the foremost widely used DevOps tools:

  • Ansible – It is a configuration management and application deployment tool
  • Chef – It is a  configuration management and application deployment tool
  • Docker – It is a containerization tool
  • Git – It is a version control system (VCS) tool
  • Jenkins – It is a continuous integration (CI) tool
  • Jira – It is an agile team collaboration tool
  • Nagios – It is a continuous monitoring tool
  • Puppet – It is a configuration management and application deployment tool
  • Selenium – It is a continuous testing (CT) tool

10. What does CAMS in DevOps stand for?

The acronym CAMS is typically used for describing the core creeds of DevOps methodology. It stands for:

  • Culture
  • Automation
  • Measurement
  • Sharing

11. Explain a few prerequisites that are useful for DevOps implementation?

Prerequisites includes:

  • Commitment at the senior level in the organization.
  • Version control software.
  • Automated tools for compliance to process.
  • Automated Testing
  • Automated Deployment

12. What are the key components of DevOps?

Key components include:

  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Testing
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Monitoring

13. Explain Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration may be a vital component of the Agile process. Typically, developers commit their changes to the version control repository and work on features or user stories within a sprint. Once the code is committed, then the whole work of developers is well integrated and therefore the build is performed on a daily basis supporting every check-in or schedule.

15. Explain Continuous Delivery?

It is an extension of Continuous Integration which primarily helps to urge the features that the developers are developing to bend the end-users as soon as possible. During this process, it goes through various stages of QA, Staging, etc., then for delivery to the assembly system.

16. Explain Continuous Testing?

From the above goal of Continuous Integration which is to urge the appliance bent end-users are primarily enabling continuous delivery. This can’t be completed without a sufficient amount of unit testing and automation testing.

Hence, we’d like to validate that the code produced and integrated with all the developers who perform as needed .

17. Explain Continuous Monitoring?

As the application is developed and deployed, we do get to monitor its performance. Monitoring is additionally vital because it might help to uncover the defects which could not be detected earlier.

18. Which scripting tools are used in DevOps?

The scripting tools used for devops are Python, Ruby 

19. Explain the typical roles involved in DevOps?

DevOps Architect: The leader who is liable for the whole DevOps process.

DevOps Engineer: The person should be experienced with SCM or Version Control, Agile, CI /CD and fixing automation tools for an equivalent , management skills and Infrastructure automation. Any developer who has skills in coding or scripting and has the acumen to urge into deployment or system admin can qualify for the role of a DevOps engineer.

20. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

AWS has the following role in DevOps:

Flexible services – Provides ready-to-use, flexible services without the necessity to put in or find out the software.

Built for scale – you’ll manage one instance or scale to thousands using AWS services.

Automation – AWS allows you to automate tasks and processes, supplying you with longer to innovate

Secure – Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you’ll set user permissions and policies.

Large partner ecosystem – AWS supports an outsized ecosystem of partners that integrate with and extend AWS services.

21. Why do we need DevOps?

To fulfil the need of delivering more and faster and better applications to meet more and more demands of users, we need DevOps. It helps deployment to happen really fast compared to any other traditional tools.

22. Mention the key aspects or principle behind DevOps?

The key aspects or principle behind DevOps is:

  • Infrastructure as a Code
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Automation
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Security

23. Why is DevOps Important?

DevOps is more about a set of processes that correlate to bring development teams and processes to support software development. The reason behind the  popularity of DevOps is that it helps enterprises to create and enhance products at a quicker pace than traditional software development methods.

The below are the major reasons to adopt DevOps:

  • Faster innovations
  • Shorter development cycles
  • Reduced deployment failures
  • Improved communication and collaboration
  • More stable operating environments
  • Increased efficiencies
  • Reduced Costs and IT Headcount

24. What is the difference between Agile and DevOps?

The differences between Agile and DevOps are listed below:

Definition It’s an iterative approach that focuses on development.It’s a practice of both development and operations.
PurposeManages complex projects.Manages end-to-end engineering processes.
Target areasSoftware development.End to end business solutions and faster deliveries.
ToolsKanboard, JIRA, and Bugzilla are popular Agile tools.AWS, Puppet, Chef are some popular DevOps tools.
Release cyclesSupports Agile release CyclesShorter release cycles and also supports defect detection.
Feedback sourceSelf-feedbackFeedback from customers.

25. List the core operations of DevOps for application development and infrastructure.

The core operations of DevOps for application development and infrastructure are listed below:

Application development consists of the following core operations:

  • Code building
  • Code coverage
  • Unit testing
  • Packaging
  • Deployment

Infrastructure consists of the following core operations:

  • Provisioning
  • Configuration
  • Orchestration
  • Deployment

26. What are DevOps key performance indicators?

The following are the DevOps key performance indicators (KPIs):

  • Deployment Frequency
  • Deployment Failure
  • Change Lead Time
  • Change Volume
  • Mean Time To Detection
  • Mean Time Between Failures
  • Mean Time To Recovery
  • Change Failure Rate
  • Efficiency
  • Performance
  • Pipeline Adoption

27. What is the DevOps toolchain?

A stack of tools combine to form a DevOps toolchain, it automates the tasks like developing and deploying your application. It is often performed with simple steps manually, but the necessity for automation quickly increases with the rise in its complexity, and toolchain automation is important for continuous delivery. The core component of a DevOps toolchain is GitHub, a Version Control Repository. More tools may contain backlog tracking, delivery pipelines and more.

28. Explain how DevOps is helpful to developers?

DevOps are often helpful to developers to repair the bug and implement new features quickly. DevOps also helps for clearer communication between the team members.

29. Name a few cloud platforms which are used for DevOps Implementation?

Below are the Popular Cloud computing platform used for DevOps implementation:

  • Google Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure

30. Name some best practices which should be followed for DevOps success?

Here, are essential best practices for DevOps implementation:

  • The speed of delivery means time taken for any task to urge them into the assembly environment.
  • Track how many defects are found in the various
  • It’s important to live the particular or the typical time that it takes to recover just in case of a failure within the production environment.
  • The number of bugs being reported by the customer also impact the standard of the appliance .

31. Name a number of the areas where DevOps are Implemented?

DevOps are used for production feedback, IT operations, Production, and its software development.

32. Explain Pair Programming with regard to DevOps?

Pair programming is an engineering practice of utmost Programming Rules. During this method, two programmers work on an equivalent system, on an equivalent design/algorithm/code.

One programmer acts as an “observer” Others act as an “driver” who continuously monitor the progress of a project to spot problems. The roles are often reversed at any point of your time with none prior intimation.

33. What’s Selenium used for?

Selenium is employed for continuous testing in DevOps. The tool focuses on functional and regression sorts of testing.

34. What does one understand about anti-patterns of DevOps?

When a DevOps pattern commonly adopted by other organizations doesn’t add a selected context and still the organization continues using it, it results in the adoption of an anti-pattern. In other words, anti-patterns are myths about DevOps. 

A number of the notable anti-patterns are:

An organization must have a separate DevOps group

Agile equals DevOps

DevOps may be a process

DevOps is development-driven release management

DevOps isn’t possible because the organization is exclusive

DevOps isn’t possible because the people available are unsuitable

DevOps means Developers Managing Production

DevOps will solve all problems

Failing to incorporate all aspects of the organization in an ongoing DevOps transition

Not defining KPIs at the beginning of a DevOps transition

Reduce the silo-based isolation of development and operations with a replacement DevOps team that silos itself from other parts of the organization

35. What are the several KPIs wont to gauge DevOps success?

KPIs may be a contracted sort of Key Performance Indicators. so as to live the success of a DevOps process, several KPIs are often used. 

A number of the foremost popular ones are:

Application performance

Application usage and traffic

The automated test pass percentage


Change volume

Customer tickets

Defect escape rate

Deployment frequency

Deployment time

Error rates

Failed deployments

Lead time

Mean time to detection (MTTD)

Meantime to recovery (MTTR)

36. In your opinion, what are the main benefits of implementing DevOps automation?

Following are the main benefits of implementing DevOps automation:

Removal of the likelihood of human error from the CD equation (Core benefit).

As tasks become more predictable and repeatable, it’s easy to spot and proper when something goes wrong. Hence, it leads to producing more reliable and robust systems.

Removes bottlenecks from the CI pipeline. It leads to increased deployment frequency and decreased number of failed deployments. Both of them are important DevOps KPIs.

37. What’s the essential premise of DevOps?

DevOps may be a cultural shift wherein a collaboration and operation teams work together throughout the merchandise or service life cycle.

38. Which methodology is DevOps related to?

DevOps is said to be Agile methodology.

39. What are the priorities in DevOps?

The priorities in DevOps include communication, teamwork, and resource management.

40. What are the advantages of DevOps?

The benefits of DevOps include functionality, speed, stability, and innovation.

41. What is Vagrant?

A Vagrant is a tool of DevOps that can create and manage virtualized environments for testing and developing software.

42. What is Scrum?

Scrum is used to divide a sophisticated software and product development task into smaller chunks using iterations and increasing practices. Scrum consist of three roles, such as:

  1. Product owner
  2. Scrum master
  3. Team

43. What is version control?

It is a system that records the changes to a file or set of files over time so you can recall specific versions.

It consists of a central shared repository where teammates can commit the changes to a file or set of files. It allows:

  • To revert the file to the previous state.
  • To compare changes over time.
  • To revert the entire project to a previous state.
  • To see who modified something in the files.

44. Why do open source tools boost DevOps?

Open source tools mainly used by any organization which is adapted by DevOps pipeline because DevOps came with the focus of automation in various aspects of organization build, release, change management, and infrastructure management areas.

45. Define DevOps Automation?

Automation is the crucial need for DevOps practices, and automating everything is the fundamental principle of DevOps. Automation kick starts from the code generation on the developer’s machine, until the code is pushed to the code, to monitor the application and system in the production.

Automation in DevOps boosts speed, consistency, higher accuracy, reliability, and increases the number of deliveries.

46. What is Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps is also known as Microsoft visual studio team services (VSTS). It is a set of collaborative development tools built for the cloud. VSTS was commonly used as a standalone term, and Azure DevOps is a platform which is made up of a few different products, such as:

  • Azure Test Plans
  • Azure Boards
  • Azure Repos
  • Azure Pipeline
  • Azure Artifacts

47. Which makes AWS DevOps highly accessible?

Here are some reasons which make AWS DevOps a highly popular, such as:

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS EC2
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • AWS CodePipeline

48. What is the Build in DevOps?

The build is a method in which the source code is put together to check whether it works as a single unit. In the build creation process, the source code will undergo compilation, testing, inspection, and deployment.

49. What is the DevOps pipeline?

A pipeline in the software engineering team is a set of automated processes which allows DevOps professionals and developers to reliably and efficiently compile, build, and deploy their code to their production computer platforms.

50. How DevOps is helpful to developers?

DevOps is very helpful for developers to fix the bugs and quickly implement the new features. It also helps in more transparent communication between the team members.

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