TOP 50 Interview Questions on Cloud Computing Services

1. Compare between Cloud and On-premise Computing? Criteria Cloud            On-premise Initial cost Low High Maintenance and support Hassle-free Needs attention Upgrade Automatic Manual Scalability Excellent Good Pay as you go Yes No 2. What is a Cloud? A cloud may be a collaboration of networks, hardware, services, storage, and interfaces that help in delivering computing

Top 50 Interview questions in Containerization Orestration & Kubernetes

1. What is Kubernetes? First, let us compare Kubernetes with Docker Swarm: Comparison Kubernetes Docker Swarm Controller Master Manager Deployment unit Pod Task Load balancing Service Ingress Slave Nodes Workers Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool that is used for automating the tasks of managing, monitoring, scaling, and deploying containerized applications. It creates groups of

Top 50 Interview Questions on Containerization Tool & Docker

1. What is Docker? A Docker is defined as the platform for containerizing the applications to isolate it from one another so as to make sure high availability and more efficiency regardless of the environments such as Development, Testing or Production. All the application related dependencies such as libraries, jar files, server related configurations, infrastructure-related

Top 50 Interview Questions on Maven

1. What Is Maven? Maven is a project management and comprehension tool. Maven provides developers a complete build lifecycle framework. Development team can automate the project’s build infrastructure in almost no time as Maven uses a typical directory layout and a default build lifecycle. 2. What Are The Aspects Maven Managed? Maven provides developers ways

Top 50 Interview Questions on DevOps

1. What do you know about DevOps? 2. How is DevOps different from agile methodology? DevOps allows the development and the operations team to work together. This results in integration, deployment, continuous development, testing, and monitoring of the software throughout the lifecycle. Agile focuses on incremental, small,  iterative, and rapid releases, along with customer feedback